Okay...okay, I will be the first one to say that I generally avoid bridal orders. These lovely women are experiencing so many emotions, I simply don't want to add to the drama, LOL! That's not to say that I don't do them, but I have to have a really good feeling about the person & the design concept :)
With that said, I have to say that my old friend Kellie was the most superb....flexible & easy-going bride to work with in my career! Kellie & I met years ago through a local email chat group called Chicagoland Moms. When all our children were younger, we would get together at a local McDonald's, Chuck E. Cheese... whatever agonizing, er wonderful play environment our kids would enjoy. We also organized dessert nights, Mom's Night Out & some other activities. Although we don't get together now as we used to, we have all managed to stay connected through Facebook.
When I was starting up my Etsy shop,
http://www.etsy.com/shop/ablastfromthepast I really was overwhelmed by the idea of photography. I had always heard that the pictures needed to be superb because afterall, this is your significant selling point on the web. As an exercise, I decided to photograph all my personal designs in groupings & post on Facebook for my friends & mentors to critique. Kellie took a peek & got in touch & asked me to design her wedding jewelry. I was so jazzed. My husband was giving me the business about being behind on something I was like "hey, I got an order JUST from posting sample pictures, leave me alone, LOL."
Much later a mutual friend would ask how did we accomplish this without ever seeing each other or my seeing the dress in person. I haughtily replied that I am just that damn good. Okay, so that was bratty...but seriously, having my designs in & working for Olivia's Past in Long Grove has really given me the opportunity to hone my skills in designing for fashion. Kellie emailed me some pictures & I was able to discern by the dress style & knowing her personality, what would go best.
Kellie is just as funky as I am. Spirited but soft-spoken & gentile...but she has a wild, interesting "I don't conform" attitude. As I'm reading her describing the wedding & the fact that her & her daughters would all be wearing "chucks" to the reception. For those of you who don't know what those are (come on!!), Converse All-Stars! My girls wear 'em too! And of course in true style, this event took place on New Years Eve.
Kellie is the perfect person for a cha cha. She saw one of mine & wanted one to go with her dress. By the time I was done, I called it the monster - I liked it even better than mine...but that's how its supposed to be, right? Made pretty much entirely of 1950's components, the most rockin' confetti lucite, silver polished swaroski & old rhinestone balls - it truly was glammy.
We won't talk about the little bumps in the household that had me sending the bracelet UPS overnight just 2 days before the wedding. I will tell you this though, any other bride would have strung me up. Kellie is so laid back and for that I am truly grateful!
I always feel the best design comes from your soul. I'll let you in on a little known secret. I am best inspired when I listen to music. I mean my whole house rocks when I'm in the studio designing & am "in the zone." My family has learned to tolerate it & often sneak peaks to laugh at me...because at any given point you could catch me popping up from my chair "getting my groove on." The reason I am sharing this is because all good things happen for a reason. I had a good free flow of karma & peacefulness going on when I was designing this - listening to Peter, Paul & Mary. About half way through the design, The Wedding Song - There Is Love started to play. And yes...I was bawling like a baby. Kind of hard to see when your wrapping headpins - but I just let the tears flow, everything happens for a reason.
I wish much love and happiness to my friend Kellie, her husband & family. And thank her from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to be a part of her special moment.